Portland Winter

It’s Raining – again.

Well, we are in Portland, so that is to be expected. After Thanksgiving,  we pulled the slides in and started heading west. At first we thought we would take our time and slowly work our way up. The first goal was to get across the Rockies. We didn’t want to get stuck in bad weather, and even though it was windy we picked I-80 through Wyoming.

Rest break in Utah after windy Wyoming

We pulled into Provo, UT expecting to spend the night in a Walmart parking lot. It was packed, Oh, yeah, it was black Friday. Not wanting to put up with the traffic and crowded conditions, we got back onto the highway and kept on heading northwest.

We spent the night at a rest stop just after crossing into Idaho. Our planned goal was to get across Idaho and over the last big mountain range. We looked at a few campsites on our phone that looked promising along the Columbia river.  Once we got there, it was late, and nothing was available. In fact the rest stops weren’t even an option. So we just continued to Portland. We actually ended up staying in Washington.

The next day we called and reserved a spot at an RV Park in Portland. And we’ve been there since. It’s not a bad place, it’s just mostly filled with permanent residents and we definitely feel like outsiders.

While here we are making the most of seeing the sights. On my birthday we headed to the coast and we rewarded with a sunny day and no wind. I was able to fly the drone.

Canon Beach


Sydney had one last good day


As many know, our dog Sydney is getting old, and has a few old dog issues. Well she really started to decline and after a really tough couple of days and nights, we sadly had to say goodby to her.

Adventure dog

She was the best dog and our buddy so we miss her but are happy knowing she is not suffering.

Now it’s time to get ready for Christmas. Find some good food and beer, which isn’t that hard here. With a foodcart and brew pub on every corner, it’s your own fault if you go hungry.


We are staying put for the rest of the month and looking forward to having both girls, their husbands, and the grandbaby, Charlotte, here for the holiday.